Hi, my name is Maxwell. I am 17 years old and I am saved. I love GOD. When I was a little boy I was a bad boy. When I was in school, every week I would fight with age mates and big boys. If they beat me, I would take a stone and beat them instead. After a while everyone knew don’t disturb Maxwell.
One time I had a pen that many age mates liked that I got from my Mother. They offered to buy it so I took the money. I never told my Mother what happened to the pen.
I am a hard worker even then when I was bad. I would get plastic and trade it for money. I would use the money for videos and bread. Many times I would gamble with the other plastic collectors for more money.
One Sunday Rogers (one of Pastor Ken’s previous armor bearers) invited me and my friend to the church service. We said we would change our clothes and then we would come to church. After a gambling session we came to church, but we were too late. Two Sundays later we did come to church, and I continue to do that now.
Maxwell is head and shoulders above the rest at this Team Building event.
Now, in school I don’t start trouble or fight. Even my Teachers say that I am a good boy. I enjoy learning and school is fun.
In my future I want to be a Farmer. I have started with raising ducks and I now have nine. I want to be a big farmer and own 14 green houses. In them I will be growing tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, strawberries, and other fruits. Outside of my green houses will be cows and my ducks.
Through GOD I can do this. My Bible verse that I stand on is Philippians 4:13 which says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I want to ask for you to pray for me so I can do this thing.
So that is mine. Thank you and be blest.
Maxwell S.
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