Hello, my name is Charles O. I am 16 yrs. old. I am in Class 8 in Kibowen Primary School in Nakuru, Kenya. Before I start to explaining about me here’s some things that I want in my life. Since I was a kid my goal is that I wanted to pass my examination. In our area there was a one man that he usually work as an engineer and his life has improved better than he was. He usually tells me to work hard.
Sometimes it is very difficult to achieve my dream, because of one problem and it is the main one which make many of our Youths not to achieve their dreams. And the problem is that of money here in Kenya. Some family, and others are poor and if you are coming from a poor family it is very difficult to achieve your dreams. Many of our parents can not afford the money which we need or which is needed to the school.
GOD bless all of you who are working with Apostle Ken because before I meet up with Apostle Ken I was a very bad boy. I used to disturb others in school, making noise in the class and doing other stupid things that could make others uncomfortable. When I meet up with him my life started changing that even my classmates were very surprised because of how I had changed. And because of that, these days I am a good boy and even Teachers love me.
Here in Nakuru we had a group. And the group name is Shakerz. We are 5 and even in Shakerz we help each others with many things but sometimes it is very difficult because may be one of us in the group is having problem with money and we don’t have that money. So it is very difficult to help him with what you don’t have. In our group we love each one of us and we usually share equal even if it is small. What we usually said is that if someone help you even with an advise say “Thank you” to him and say “GOD will bless you more than you expected” and the last is that “GOD loves you even if you are a sinner.”
Charles with a new friend at Bomas of Nakuru.
In my life I have many goals which I usually share in the Shakerz and even with my classmates. What I normally do is that, because I know mathematics I usually teach those who do not know until they know.
And the last thing is that in my future I would love to have a very good job so that I could help the needy ones. And in my life there is one very big person. He means much to me and that person is GOD. Because GOD has done many things to me. Sometimes in difficult things I found that it is easy for me, because He has strengthened me. And I believe I can do anything through Him who strengthens me.
I hope that you hear our problems which we are facing here. I would be very thankful if you would help us with money for us to continue with our group without any problems. I also thank you for any prayers of blessings you have for us.
Thank you.
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