Hello, my name is Caleb. I hope all of you, you are fine. Thank you for the support you have support me. Before I go to anything else, I want to say that “Thank you for supporting me in my property”.
Caleb at Bomas of Nakuru.
Through Ken Apostle, thank you clothing. Before me to know Apostle Ken I was like a street boy. But now I’m good. My clothes were full of holes. But now I have good clothes.
Before I go to anything else, I want to say thank you for supporting me in my property through Apostle Ken. The property I take care of belongs to my Uncle. The problem I was having is people walking through and taking crops. The fence has stopped all of that stealing, and now we can enjoy our crops.
Me and my family we say “Thank you” for all of you that you have support us. I live with my Mother, 1 little brother, and 3 little sisters. To get money sometimes my Mom go to wash peoples’ clothes. I try to do works to get money too.
Thank you for supporting Shakerz. In the group of Shakerz, I”m like the spiritual leader. Thank you for helping us buy the uniform of Shakerz. Thank you for the trips that I have gone; Kisumu, Kogelo, Lake Victoria, and Elbargon. I want to go more places like Mombasa, Nairobi, and more other places.
I hope to go to Form 1, (Freshman in High School) in January 2017. I must pass the Exam coming up this November.
Caleb, in orange, witnessing at the Sowers Teaching Open Air.
In my future I hope to be a Pastor. Even my Father was a Pastor before he died. I have other reasons but they’re not coming to my mind.
GOD bless you, all of you.
Caleb Isingri
P.S. Read John 11:35.
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