The year in review below was provided by our man-on-the-ground Ken Gaston directly from Nakuru Kenya. Some amazing things have happened and continue to progress as I post this review.This is not a complete list but just a summary of the going-ons in Kenya.
It’s only a few minute read but well worth your time!
Pastor Jeff
Jambo Team: (Ken’s update begins here)
I trust you had a wonderful Christmas, and I send you blessings for a Happy New Year. May the year 2017 be our most productive year to date in the eternal business of the kingdom of GOD.
I am sending this quick overview of the events of BMI Kenya, for the year 2016. I hope this review encourages you, and also inspires others to join this work financially. GOD has opened many ways for us to be a blessing to the people of Kenya.
- We were able to pay for medical treatments, medicine, and follow up appointments for Maxwell. After recovering, Maxwell moved into my home for one school term to catch up academically.
- We were able to fund seven (7) Projects in the Kogelo area. These different ministries had submitted Proposals to receive 7000Ksh ($70) each to expand in ministry, financial stability, or both. Pastors Jeff K. and Tom C. will be able to see the results of this investment when they visit in March 2017.
- We held a series of meetings with numerous Street Boys to gain insight into their world. Why do most of the Street Boys sniff glue throughout the daytime hours? Why isavoidingthe Police an important safety issue? What are the various reasons they are on the Streets?
- Bank accounts were opened for B.M.I. Kenya as final moves to separate from Pastor Daniel and his ministry.
- We began a 4 week Tutoring Program while the Kenyan schools were on Spring Break. This program had students as young as Pre-School thru to Class 8 (Eighth graders).
- We had a series of planning meetings with the Kenyan representative of Sowers International. This ministry has a multi-level training program teaching people in the area of Evangelism.
- A trip to Nairobi was taken to gather information governing Religious Organizations in Kenya. It was confirmed that some actions of Pastor Daniel were illegal and complete separation from his ministry was recommended. That final separation happened in April.
- The week long Evangelism Training classes of Sowers International took place at B.M.I. Rhonda.
- The first Street Boy moves into my home.
- Isaac moves into my home. He was not a street boy, but he had missed school most of 2015 and all of 2016. With Isaac fully funded by B.M.I. America, and using my home as a Boarding School, he was very successful.
- Relationship with Teen Challenge of Kenya (Nakuru) was established.
- For my safety, I was placed in Nakuru Police Protective custody from rioters. (this is a day that I will never forget this side of Heaven)
- Uniform Scholarship Shopping trip was provided for three (3) students at Benard’s and Isaac’s school. Students here wear uniforms, and the lack of a full uniform is grounds to be sent home. This is one of many reasons students will miss weeks, months, or entire school years of attendance.
- Youth Rally 2016 planning meeting in Kogelo. This was a six (6) day trip that included Bible study at a local High School.
- B.M.I. Rhonda did a Field Trip to the Nakuru Show Grounds. This is an annual County wide event much like a County Fair. Most of our Youth and many of the Adults had never been to this event because of poor income. The financial assistance of B.M.I. America was significant in making this event a life memory for many.
- We began the ‘Moses Project’ assisting two (2) Adult with opening their very first Bank Accounts.
- We had another School Break. During this time small group Tutoring took place.
- We fully sponsored the first Teen with needed Dental work.
- Met with officials of School of Hope, a Nakuru based ministry that houses Street Boys at three (3) different locations.
- Job, a local street boy, was enrolled in Teen Challenge.
- We began bi-weekly tutoring at School of Hope Orphanage.
- We fully sponsored the second Teen with needed Dental work.
- We fully sponsored the third Teen with needed Dental work.
- We moved Joseph/Yoseph into my home. He was a ‘part time’ street boy who has not attended school the entire 2016 year.
- We had a Shakerz Science Project event in my home. Using information from the Internet several Homemade Mosquito Traps were made. The event was fun and food had to be included for these Teen Boyz. The Traps were simi-successful catching only a few mosquitos.
- We started small group Tutoring during this last school break. During this time two (2) Boyz acquired their very first Library Cards.
- I took a one week vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!
- We dedicated the B.M.I. Rhonda Tent which was 50% financed by B.M.I. America.
- The B.M.I. Rhonda Youth ministered at School of Hope Orphanage.
- The B.M.I. Rhonda church cemented their floor. A donation to this project came from B.M.I. America.
- Kogelo Youth Rally: The Rally was held in Ratta this year. A total of fourteen (14) Teens were sent from B.M.I. Rhonda. We had many highlights for the Teenagers, with one of the best being a swimming adventure in Lake Victoria! This is another life memory with many of the Teens being partially or completely financed by B.M.I. America.
We hope that you are encouraged by what you’ve just read. If you would like to partner with us and make a difference in “REAL” lives we have provided a donation link below. Thank you in advance for your donation of any size…
“Click Here To Donate”
May God Richly Bless You!
Pastor Jeff
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