How are you there? I hope you are fine all there in America as we are here in our country Kenya. Climate is good in Kenya.
Shaker Brian’s 3rd trip to Kogelo.
I am Brian Otieno grandchild to Dorca.I am living with my grandmother kindly because my parents died long ago in 2002.My grandmother is old even sometimes she can not able to satisfy our basic needs but she really work hard so that we can eat and go to school.
I am one of the Shakerz group and we are under Pastor Ken Gaston all the way from America to Kenya. pastor ken is doing many good things here in Kenya. He is doing things like supporting lives of the street children and making them to they are special like others he also supports orphans and the needy. Like i my self. before i meet with pastor ken i was lonely and desperate. we are five people in our Shakerz group and am in Form One and other three are in class eight and the last one is in class five.
I would like to ask you, the reader of this writing, please help us and volunteer what you have so that pastor ken could continue with this programme here in Kenya and we will say thanks. Pastor Ken want to make this project to at least big so please well wishers may support him. Even the bible says the hands that will receive is the hand that will give. Also he is making us to understand the Word of God a lot better. He want us to grow spiritually. He care a lot for us here in Kenya.
Before i meet pastor Ken Gaston i was far from God and was no longer know even a verse. It was rare for i to meet a Bible but know am doing good at the Bible and thank God for that.
Shaker Brian receiving an Evangelism Course Certificate from Sowers International.
As i am among them they elected i as their leader or Prefect.I am glad to be the Prefect of that group. In future i would like to doctor after my learning and my goals is to grow big and continue with the same spirit of helping the street children and the orphans like pastor ken is doing here in Kenya.
So my big point is that please join pastor Ken with this project and God will bless you a lot.Thanks once again.
Yours faithfully
Brian Otieno
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