Hey all, pastor Jeff here with an amazing report from Kenya. We are up to seven (7) young men now in our Boyz home in Kenya and keep on growing. Pastor Ken Gastons’ heart just keeps expanding for the young men there.
These are young men who otherwise would still be living on the streets fighting for survival and now they have a place to grow spiritually and prosper in their lives for the first time ever. Here are a few words directly from my last email communication with Ken…
Jambo Team: (Hello)
So this is my very shortened story.
Over the next few days I hope to get photos and more details about each of their stories. The only way to accommodate this growth was to purchase 2 bunk beds. So we have 8 souls living in a three bedroom apartment now.
This is #1 of a Series because there has already been a change since I started this email 2 weeks ago. I was hoping to send a photo, but couldn’t get our schedules together or I forgot on those occasions we were together.
I have stopped, on several occasions, and wondered what the lives of these Young Men would like without us BMI. In America, we expect to have the firm foundation of a stable home complete with food. But that is a huge issue here in Kenya. Additionally, these Young Men are getting their individual bed, a growing wardrobe, 2 – 3 meals per day, and warm showers with soap!!
From that foundation they can grow in Christ, develop leadership skills, advance academically, and have the freedom to dance and sing. It is normal for our home to have high levels of joy being expressed.
I start this day, (the time is 0511) thanking GOD and thanking you for this opportunity. However, you must know, seven (7) is not enough. I’ll keep you updated about the others who will move in and add to the blessings.
Pastor Ken Gaston
Seven boys (and more coming), school fees, books, school uniforms, three meals a day and a host of other needs and all of this being paid for solely by the grace of God and a small handful of regular supporters. Currently Ken has to use on average $1100-$1400 per month of his own retirement funds to support the work there in Kenya.
It’s my heart to be able to cover all of these expenses without Ken ever having to spend a dime of his retirement on the ministry there and I know that together we can and will do it! We are looking for 50 people to donate $25 per month for the next year and we can begin fully support the work there. We currently have four people who give on a monthly basis to the tune of $160 total and then various one-time gifts. Of course, any gift is appreciated and makes a difference in the lives of these young men but we would love to have the 50 people donate $25 per month for the next year to take that burden off of the shoulders of Pastor Ken who has given up a leasurely life of retirement here in the USA to live abroad and serve the young men of Kenya.
If you would like to be a blessing and say to Ken, “Keep On Going” then simply click the link below and make that donation now. Ken is notified everytime a donation is made, so lets keep him smiling, knowing that we all support him and his mission for the BMI family.
Here’s that link where you can make a one-time or monthly donation!
May God bless you exceeding abundantly above all that you could ask or think,
Pastor Jeff
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